It’s that time of the year again… Winter is coming

May 13, 2021 | Uncategorized

As the colder months approach our doorsteps, now is the time to be assessing your thinners and part B’s to ensure you maintain your finish quality and transport time.

Below is a guide (state based) for MIROTHANE PU 5673 Topcoat with recommended hardeners and thinners that can be blended to satisfy your customers finish quality and transport time requirements. Hit the link below to find out what you should be using these winter months!

MIROTHANE PU 5673 Temperature Guide

So now even in the coldest times of the year, you can maintain your quality finishes and transport times.

For further assistance or to get your individual copy of MIROTHANE PU 5673 Temperature Application Guide – contact your sales representative or call Mirotone at 1300 132 202.